Thursday, June 26, 2008

What am I missing?

So I'm trying to watch some of AFI's top movies that I haven't seen. And that's great when they are as wonderful and hold up as well as "Lawrence of Arabia," which I watched yesterday. But "Gone with the Wind"? Seriously? This is the movie that's so revered? Maybe it just hasn't held up that well over the years, but it certainly generates a lot of love for a film with two unlikable (and not all that interesting) leads, a massively overrated love story (if you can even call it that) and a storytelling style that manages to make the film simultaneously feel unbearably long and extremely rushed. Even most of the iconic lines (with the exception of the admittedly great parting shot) manage to feel leaden in the film itself.

Seriously, someone tell me what I'm missing here. Why does this film generate the level of love and admiration?


Eric Olsen said...

that's really funny, because I'm doing the same thing, Steve. I realized I had seen every AFI Top 100 after 1980 or so, and very few of the ones from before it. So, there's like 40 of them in my queue right now, including both of those you just watched. So, I'll let you know. But, now I'm not looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it since I was at Bradley, but I remember liking it. I had a similar reaction to "Ben Hur," which was just a snooze fest for me. I guess I should go back and watch that one again.